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Fast Found

find cargo or vehicles
for global transportation on one platform.

Connect. Transport. Anywhere.

Fast Found — is an service for international and local cargo transportation that allows you to quickly find cargo for your vehicle, as well as find a vehicle to transport your cargo anywhere in the world! Fast Found brings together all supply chain participants in one digital platform.

In addition, this is a convenient application for non-commercial users. A convenient interface with a search option by criteria allows you to find any vehicle for personal and business needs.

What are the features and benefits?

This digital space stimulates the development of small and medium-sized businesses among carriers and suppliers around the world. Provides healthy competition. Thanks to the Fast Found digital platform, the carrier and the customer come into direct contact without intermediaries, which directly affects the formation of prices.

The ability to analyze the market, prices, current demand and supply in the field of logistics. Thanks to the Fast Found application, you save time, material and human resources during searching for cargo or an available vehicle anywhere in the world!

Our mission

The Fast Found service is an actively developing platform with prospects. Our main mission is to simplify logistics operations. We are constantly studying modern digital technologies and innovations and are working to implement it in our service. Our goal is increasing the use of effective automated systems that impact the development of your business.


Our address

Baku, Azerbaijan; Binagadi district. R.Allahverdiyev 62

Phone number

+994 51 667 08 82
